Hi there nice to meet with you again
Want to talk about Cellular Memory
This part of us is a very important for our Healing
Physics of the human body (after all we are made up of
cells and more cells )
You know when something happens to you like
a Smell of someones cooking the memory brings you to a place
of your past
Or maybe a piece of music / song takes you to a space of remembrance
and now the feeling that comes over you , like a wave of emotion
Over time Memories build up like a storage unit
Anyway you get the idea
Remembering KNOWLEDGE
A key to help us find what we are looking for , makes life much easier . like Knowledge
When I understand how the body works , then that information can used to change your world
Well Being
After all
Searching for answers is a past time many of us can relate to
an example when I drive my car / vehicle being aware of the performance allows me
to make a decision to have my car serviced when not running the same way
Now I could forget about the fact there is something not quiet right
or make a booking with my mechanic
Think it is safe to say if we ignore the signs more things will go wrong
We work the same way
How ever with our busy lives ( right from a young age )
Not recognize the signs leads us into a bit of a spin or worse
Our well being walks into a place of either looking , with - in TAKING RESPONSIBILITY
Or Not
So here's the thing
Every moment of our life .> from time of conception we are building , Memories
and after awhile these memories store in the cells of our body " Cellular Memory "
Which has made sense to me for a long time
What I really like now is that this has been proven to be fact ,, Physics
In our lifetime ... along the way ... we experience some kind of Trauma
As humans we can go through Emotional situations in a subtle way or
Massive TRAUMA such as loss which leads to grief
Physical abuse - shock - accidents - illness - Depression and such like
All these Traumatic feelings are very real and after a period of time the Memories we have lived
Seems to store in the cells of our body
Now I am not suggesting , that we focus on these memories , being positive is a great
quality to live by ,,
= However I ask you this
How can we live in the present moment , if the body is living in the past , which stands
to reason if we have gone through TRAUMA and stored memories .
Why is it when you look at your health history / you maybe feeling pretty good for a spell
and it seems you have over your hurdle , and there we are again - reoccurring -
You think to yourself oh no not again
Have you been in that situation ?
Think about it for a moment
Why wouldn't our body show signs
Like a mouse on a wheel
going round and round over and over
If you look at a snake , every year sheds its skin . As humans we don't
However it's possible to shed the layers in a healthy , safe way
is not for everyone
But if you want to be Responsible for your well being
and everything that comes with that ,, Peace ,, Happiness ,, ,,,